Here is some text on the left.
And here is some more text!
Here is some BOLDED text
Thanks for checking us out! If you're interested in clinical allergy and immunology and would like to help out, connect with us (see the mail button at the bottom of the page).
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Prerequisites: A) there are staff available to proofread drafts for topic sections B) there is an editor who can take charge over the 'section' C) We have a google drive "Resident Contributor Dashboard" (i.e. showing available topics and who’s working on what) to organize our efforts
Prerequisites: you are reasonably comfortable with markdown, html, js, scss/css, and git. To learn the structure of the website, please refer to the Zola documentation. Pages are written in markdown with Tera templating. Josh will be the main person approving pull requests for the time being. Re: adding content to website -- there are some formatting nuances, and a myriad of shortcodes that can be used.
General writing guidelines
- Be concise and clear -- the intended use is for residents
- Use clear, structured formatting (headings, bullet points, tables) for readability
- Avoid passive voice where possible
- Abbreviations are fine but must be defined
- While a single topic might be quite complex (i.e. asthma), each page is still meant to be relatively simple -- the goal is not to be a comprehensive textbook. Link to a resource that goes more in depth at that juncture, or to another subpage.
General formatting guidelines
- Bullet points: Prefer over long paragraphs; no periods at the end of items
- Emphasize key points: Use bold, color, and highlights
- Tables/Figures: Only if they enhance understanding (e.g., decision algorithms)
Not all topics will fit this general structure; this is meant as a general scaffold. Pearls, tips, pitfalls, etc. should be intermixed throughout the topic -- ideally, the page is not just a solid mass of bullet points. See here for some styling options you could use. If you're comfortable with html/md, see shortcodes for the full suite of options available.
Insert admonitions or callouts to draw attention to key facts.
This is a danger section.
This is a warning section.
This is a info section.
Sage clinical pearl
Add images. You can either have them take up the full width, or push them to the side (left or right):
Here is some text on the left.
And here is some more text!
Here is some BOLDED text
example caption
You can also add tables in markdown:
Name | Comment |
Alice | Always involved in various communications |
Bob | A good guy, who likes to communicate with Alice |
Malroy | Not so nice guy. Tries to mess with the communication of Alice and Bob. |
= ["2G antihistamine"]
= ["Blexten"]
= [{ = "ON", = "~$1 CAD / 20mg tab" }]
= "2nd generation H1 antagonist."
= "~15 hours"
= "PO tab, liquid (uncommon)"
= [
{ = "CSU, AR", = "20mg PO OD to QID", = "adult dosing" },
{ = "CSU, AR", = "10mg PO OD to QID", = "pediatric dosing" },
= ["Theoretically does not cross BBB"]
= ">=12 years of age; has been used off-label in younger children"
= "Avoid (not enough data)"
= "Hypersensitivity, QT prolongation or history of torsades"
= "QT prolongation; drowsiness (4%); headache (4%). For reference, drowisness/headache had a 2% incidence rate in placebo arm"
= "Torsades (very rare)"
= ["../monographs/bilastine_2021_1.pdf"]
How it'll actually look:
Brand Names: Blexten
Cost: ~$1 CAD / 20mg tab (ON)
MoA: 2nd generation H1 antagonist.
Half-life: ~15 hours
Routes: PO tab, liquid (uncommon)
Age Group: >=12 years of age; has been used off-label in younger children
Pregnancy: Avoid (not enough data)
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, QT prolongation or history of torsades
Common SEs: QT prolongation; drowsiness (4%); headache (4%). For reference, drowisness/headache had a 2% incidence rate in placebo arm
Severe SEs: Torsades (very rare)
Monograph Links:
Theoretically does not cross BBB
Systematic review vs primary evidence