Food Immunotherapy

author 1, author 2 January 01, 2025 #hypersensitivity #foods #immunotherapy

This page is a work in progress. If you want to help contribute, see below :)


# CHFe O2, UO Likely precipitant(s): diet, med, CAD, arrhythmia, infection, PE, AKI, substance This is a very long line to demonstrate that the block should have wrap around text and should not just get cut off hopefully. Ix: trop, ECG, BNP, metabolic profile, TSH, Cr, liver panel CXR ?cath Mx: NP vs BiPAP IV Lasix I&O, upright, salt/fluid restrict GDMT when out of CHFe





  • see ubc research
  • goal is not to eat but to reduce risk of anaphylaxis from cross contam